Andrea-Ashton & Ramsay

Andrea-Ashton & Ramsay #9j0GXmL9
Andrea-Ashton & Ramsay #Ao0yxUyQ

#baltimore #streetwalker #crackwhore #Ashton #Ramsay


Keaz Terrible angle
[deleted] Damn, I love the grittiness of your out in the Baltimore trenches style!!!. Great fiend, love seeing her walkin' + then gettin' worked extra hard (LOVE the smakk-talk!!!). GREAT work 💪
Kelevra88 Damn, ive never took the time to walk around the triangle let alone wilkens. Always wanted to find a spot to fuck real quick but too sketchy leaving my car let alone walkin in spaces where you could get jumped, or catch something from all the shit ar
[deleted] You better post more, my man. Between your smakk-talk/no nonsense vibes + the pure grittiness/urban decay of these BMore settings + your awesome taste in fiends --- this is the best streetwalker shit I've seen in ages. Shout out to her 😴 bf lol
Kelevra88 Around there. Also cops tend to be around there a fair amount. Too hot to be out and about
Myquin Waste of bandwitdth you either cropped out you getting head or the camera didnt get any of it.
BoycottDRM_Subscriptions Could we watch the blowjob next time?
SAFI-Man OP My bad guys. Some of these videos were when I was using spycam glasses instead of just my phone.
Myquin @Kelevra88 you a straight bitch women walk around all the time
Kelevra88 @myquin didn't i block your bitch ass
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